When you install Oracle Developer Suite 10g Release 2 on windows 7 and try to open any form within the builder, you may face the following issues..
Oracle Forms Designer Has stopped Working
Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.
---> Check online for a solution and close the program
----> close the program
What is the solution ?
There is two solution for this issue.
Solution # 1
- Open form builder.
- Make connection with database.
- Now open the form.
Solution #2
- Download Patchset no. 7047034
- Extract in root drive like C:\ 7047034
- open command prompt with admin previlage (@ write cmd)
- set oracle_home like (C:\Users\Administrator>set oracle_home=C:\DevSuiteHome_1)
- set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\OPatch;%PATH% like (C:\Users\Administrator>set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\OPatch;%PATH%)
- go to patchset folder like (C:\Users\Administrator>cd c:\7047034)
- write opatch apply like (c:\7047034>opatch apply)
When your see >>Is this system ready for updating?
Please respond Y|N > << Type Y and press Enter Keyat finishing you will see >>OPatch succeeded.
OPatch returns with error code = 0 <<- write cscript //nologo remove_demo.js like (c:\7047034>cscript //nologo remove_demo.js)
Solution # 3 :
1. Install forms 10g (
2. Install patch 5983622 to upgrade
3. Install patch 7047034
2. Install patch 5983622 to upgrade
3. Install patch 7047034
Now open form builder and open any form without error.
Enjoy Oracle Forms Developing..
If it helps, Leave your message.
Oracle Developer