Life Insurance MIS Reports

In this post I will describe some Reports that are frequently required by management and authority.

The following reports are frequently required by the management and Authority:-


1 -  2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. lapse ratio by number policies and premium amount.

2 -  Renewal Policy Quantity and Premium Income out of the policies issued in e.g. 2015 ...2023

3 -  Number of valued Policies (Enforced and paid ups) as at 31st dec of prev year. e.g. 2023

4 -  Number of new policies Issued during the year.

5 -  Number of policies revived during the year.

6 -  Number of policies matured during the year.

7 -  Number of policies surrendered during the year.

8 -  Number of intimated death claims during the year.

9 -  Number of Death claim paid during the year.

10-  Number of policies lapsed during the year.

11 - Plan wise policy qty and premiums.

Quarterly Report  :

1 - Gross Premium :

    a) Ordinary Life (1st year + Renewal)

    b) Micro Insurance (1st year + Renewal)

    c) Group

    d) Islami Takaful

2 - Re-Insurance Premium during the quarter.

3 - First year Premium during the quarter.

4 - Second year Renewal Premium during the quarter.

5 - 1st Year agent commission paid during the quarter.

6 - 2nd year agent commission paid during the quarter.

7 - 3rd year and above agent commission paid during the quarter.

8 - Quantity and amount of claims intimated,settled during the quarter:

    a) death

    b) maturity

    c) surrender

    d) SB

9 - Number of policies inforced at the end of the quarter.

10- Number of new policies issued during the quarter.

11- Number of policies lapsed during the quarter.

12- Number of policies surrendered during the quarter.

13- Number of policies revived during the quarter.

14- 2nd, 3rd, 4th policy year lapse ratio by number of policies.

15- 2nd, 3rd, 4th policy year lapse ratio by premium amount.

16- Second Policy year persistency ratio= (Total number of inforce policies during 36 months preceding the evaluation date)/

    (Total number of new policies issued during 36 months preceding the evaluation date)*100

17- Total Number of Inforce policies during 36 months preceding the evaluation date.

18- Total number of new policies issued during 36 months preceding the evaluation date.

Muhammad Abdullah Al Noor

Muhammad Abdullah Al Noor, An Oracle Apex Consultants and founder of Noors Technology ( Core Expertise : Database Administration, Oracle Forms and Reports Development, Oracle Apex Application Designer and Development, Linux Professional etc. Also the owner of TrainerBD Training and OraDemy E-Learning. WhatsApp +8801790721177

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